
Almost every American house is built having central Heating – A/C system. Ductwork is the essential part that is used to transport air from living spaces through the furnace and A/C coil to heat or cool and circulate air around the house. This technology is used for over 100 years, but standards have changed. If you live in a house that is built in 1990’s there is a high chance your HVAC ductwork would be happy to have some upgrade.

Ductwork Sealing – Saves energy 

Ductwork sealing is the essential part of the ductwork installation by the standards of today. It provides seal between every connection making sure your air is transported all around the house without leaking to the areas where you do not want to lose energy.

The Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star Program says that leaky duct-work can reduce an HVAC system’s efficiency by up to 20%. According to many studies, leaky duct-work can increase your heating and cooling costs by 15%, 20%, and even up to 30%.

Ductwork insulation

Another very effective way to save energy. For heating system to work as efficiently as possible the goal is to deliver the air to final destination losing as less energy as possible. If your ductwork is uninsulated, air travelling from furnace goes through uninsulated sheet metal ductwork radiating heat to surroundings finally getting to register being several degrees colder than it left the furnace.

This leads HVAC system to work for a longer periods of time to reach desired temperature as well as potentially conditioning undesired spaces.

Ductwork noise

Ductwork noise is a very common problem that can be caused by a number of installation problems. Undersized ductwork, not enough return air grilles, zoning dampers causing high static pressure, damaged ductwork and many more. Loud airflow can be very annoying, also can be very stressful to your HVAC system causing blower motor to work harder than it is design to causing decrease of its lifetime. Every problem has it’s own solution.

Call Kai’s Heat & Cool Inc. 331-218-5364 and get it fixed.